June 2023:

High Accμracy Project 
Press Release June 1st, 2023
MADRAS, a H2020 Project

Hi-Accµracy is now one of the Linked Projects for MADRAS, a fellow H2020 project concerned with organic large-area electronics (OLAE).

The MADRAS project aims to boost the production of organic and large-area electronics (OLAE) by establishing a high-speed manufacturing methodology with new materials based on in-mould hybrid and printed electronics (IME).

The main innovation behind MADRAS relies on developing advanced materials to be promptly processed via IME to fabricate a new generation of plastronic products with enhanced properties to make OLAE-based devices more affordable and durable.

MADRAS materials and production process will be validated in two different demonstrators, including a biometric photosensor for user identification, and a geotracking flexible tag.

To learn more and access the full programme please visit:  https://www.horizon-europe-community.at
To learn more about these innovations, as well as details about the partner organisations, visit www.hi-accuracy.eu This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 862410.